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Sandra “Sandy” Fitzjerrell, 64, of Rio Rancho, N. M. died Jan. 6, 2020

She was preceded in death by Paul Fitzjerrell, Gail Fitzjerrell, and Franklin Fitzjerrell.

She is survived by Verla Fitzjerrell (mother), Matthew Lengal (son), Stephen Lengal (son), Ramsey Lengal (son), Quessie Wauford (daughter), and grandchildren...

‘Just Mercy’ does justice to its subject

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Rating: ««« out of ««««

Running Time: 136 minutes

Some true stories are so horrifying that it’s actually shocking to believe that something like the events depicted could have occurred in the country so recently. The new drama Just Mercy details one such story involving criminal injustice, that of a man falsely accused and convicted of murder simply because of his race. While this courtroom drama won’t offer viewers any surprises, it is still an effective and well-told story worth seeing.

The film follows a young Harvard graduate and lawyer named Bryan Stevenson (Michael B. Jordan). Determined to follow his passion and help the wrongfully convicted as a defense attorney...

Blu-ray/DVD Roundup for January 10, 2020

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The New Year is here. While one might expect a slowdown in the number of new Blu-rays and DVDs, there are actually quite a few arriving on store shelves, including some big Hollywood flicks and interesting independent fare. So, if you can’t make it out to the movies this week, be sure to give one of these titles a try!

Big New Releases!

Depraved - Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein gets a fresh update in this independent horror flick. A disillusioned Brooklyn field surgeon with PTSD (caused from his time serving overseas as a medic), decides to fashion a man out of body parts and bring him to life. Despite being initially successful, the creator finds it increasingly hard to...

First joint Christmas Eve ‘Festival for the Homeless’

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RMCHCS and Hozho Center serve 150 meals on Christmas Eve

Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health Care Services and the Hozho Center celebrated their first joint Christmas Eve “Festival for the Homeless” event this year. The two organizations combined efforts to spread joy to the community by offering a holiday feast to McKinley County’s homeless residents. One hundred-fifty people were served.

Festivities were held from 9 am to 4 pm at the center’s headquarters at 216 W. Maloney Ave. in Gallup. The event featured hot meals of ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, pie and coffee with extra helpings of holiday cheer.

“It was exciting to see the joy spread among the participants and...

‘1917’ is a thrilling technical marvel

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Rating: ««« out of ««««

Running Time: 119 minutes

NOTE: This is an early review. The film opens on January 10.

We’ve all seen plenty of WWI epics over the years, including All Quiet on the Western Front, Paths of Glory, Gallipoli, A Very Long Engagement, War Horse, and the recent documentary They Shall Not Grow Old. All of these pictures depict the violence and horrors endured by young soldiers. Additionally, some even show the nastiness displayed by not only the enemy, but also by their own superiors. While it is difficult to imagine that any recent film could add anything that audiences haven’t seen before, 1917 manages to do just that. It places viewers alongside the...

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