
Gallup Sun

Saturday, May 04th

Last update09:54:53 AM GMT

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Progress continues against COVID-19 on Navajo Nation

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The Navajo Department of Health, in coordination with the Navajo Epidemiology Center and the Navajo Area Indian Health Service, reported 22 new positive COVID-19 cases for the Navajo Nation and four more deaths on Aug. 12.

The total number of deaths has reached 477, while 6,920 individuals are reported as having recovered...

Wild Gila River Bill highlights proposed protections

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SILVER CITY, N.M. —The Wild Gila River Coalition released a StoryMap Aug. 10 to help visually explore some of the river segments that would be preserved for future generations by legislation introduced by Senators Tom Udall, D-N.M. and Martin Heinrich, D-N.M.

The StoryMap takes viewers to the center of the proposal, the Gila Wilderness, which was an inspiration for one of our country’s bedrock conservation laws, the Wilderness Act of 1964. From there, the map identifies rivers as “wild,” “scenic,” and “recreational,” while meandering through the mountains and canyons of this iconic Southwestern landscape, introducing the viewer to places like the Mogollon Box and the...

Earthweek: Diary of a Changing World

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Week ending Friday, August 7, 2020

Auroral Tremors

Alaskan researchers say they have found that brilliant displays of the northern lights during solar storms show up as distinctive signals on seismographs, giving them yet another way to document auroral activity. Writing in Seismological Research Letters, Carl Tape and colleagues at the University of Alaska Fairbanks say they made the connection by comparing seismograph records with all-sky camera recordings and readings from magnetometers. “People have been making these connections for 250 years,” Tape said. “This shows that we can still make discoveries, in this case with seismometers, to understand the...


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A lot can happen to a person in a year.

Imagine experiencing the four seasons, holidays, and all the sights, sounds, and feelings of a year over 100 times.

That is what Gallup native Lubica “Luby” Grenko did this week. She celebrated her 106th birthday on Aug. 4 while living at the Gallup branch of Little Sisters of the Poor, an international congregation of Roman Catholic women founded in 1839 by Saint Jeanne Jugan.

Granddaughter Misty Tolson spoke with the Sun Aug. 5 about the long life of her grandmother.

“My grandma lost her mom and sister back in 1918 to the Spanish Flu,” Tolson said. “My great grandfather was a widower, so he then...

Portraits of local children criticized

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Art works currently on display at College Clinic

A series of paintings of Gallup children praying which has been hanging in the College Clinic at Rehoboth McKinley Christian Hospital since September of 2019, became a source of contention in May.

Jacquelyn Cattaneo’s pastel portraits of local children of different races were hung at the clinic at the request of pediatricians there, who asked Judy Conejo, wife of then-CEO David Conejo, to get some artwork for the clinic that was comforting to children.

Judy Conejo was volunteering at the time and thought of Cattaneo, who agreed to display a series of 26 works at the clinic, as well as a single piece, Spirit Ascension, at the...

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