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You are here: Opinions Horoscope Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF DEC. 23

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF DEC. 23

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Madame G wishes a very Merry Christmas and Holiday Season to all SOULS! On December 24 and 25, Venus trines with Jupiter supporting feelings of good will and joy. You’ll experience inner peace and this may even create positive, if not reserved feelings towards family and friends. You may begin see the forest among the trees. Have fun! Stay warm and safe!


Aries (March 21-April 19)

BEWARE Aries! You’re on treacherous ground. Though your fiery heart is that of a warrior, your impatience is costing you. How much? Time will tell. If you’ve offended a heart that’s dear, suck it up and apologize. That heart may not wait around forever. Remember, you can be right or you can be happy. The world is not black and white. There are many shades of colors.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Your heart is a lonely hunter. You’re heading down a self-destructive path. Perhaps you jumped too quickly into the next relationship or settled for whatever job you could find. The repercussions are catching on fast. Keep a journal of all your habits, especially the emotional ones. Consider reading Dale Coleman’s work, Emotional Intelligence. Watch for patterns.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

So, you’re suffering from a little FOMO? What’s the worst that could happen? You’re a product of the time you’re living in. There are some things that you can’t help and envy might be one of them. Yes, you see everyone lives better on Facebook and Instragam. So, what?! Go out there and live the best damn life you can. Stop being envious. Start taking action. Have fun!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Life is a little hellish especially for the sensitive types. Don’t let the anger and fear get you down. You’re doing what you must. It’s good. You’re doing fine. What’s your higher purpose? Seek deeper into your thoughts and dig your way out of them. If you get stuck in, what could be, or how life should be—you’ll drown. Get physical! Get outside. Smile. It’s all good.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Families are nasty. But, what can you do? You can’t live with them. But, you can’t kill em’. So, what can you do? Well, the solution is easy, just love them. They may never change or see the light. You must be the change you want to see in the world. You can’t expect them to change. No matter how sad you are—live your own life. Be you! You’re good. Love, learn, and live!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Breaking old habits is tough. It can be hard to drop people from your life, who’ve been there from the beginning. It’s also hard to cut through the crap. But, break through you must. In order to live the life you’ve always wanted—you must take action. You can’t blame anyone else for the life you currently live. If you really wanted it (whatever that is) you’d go get it. Go NOW!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct.22)

Perhaps you’re holding onto an old grudge or you have unrealistic expectations. You may even bring the wrath of God down on those with lesser status than yourself. Whatever the case, you must act as professional as you can. Don’t lose your cool now. It might even be a good idea to seek professional help. This time of year, is difficult on everyone. You can’t force happiness.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You’ve some big decisions to make. You just don’t know what they are yet. That’s the beauty of the Scorpion’s patience. You have an infinite amount of it. But, when it’s used up—it’s gone! Once betrayed, your good opinion is lost forever. Trust yourself. You’ve given of yourself. If you’ve not received an equal measure, it may be time to quit and move onward. It’s your choice.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Options, options, options… Should you watch Game of Thrones or catch up on the Walking Dead? There are thousands if not millions of choices. What decisions are you making? Are they the right ones? Sometimes, when you’re faced with too many choices—it’s best to say: “If it’s not a hell yes then it’s a no.” You don’t have time to waste. Get going.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

It’s definitely your time of year. You may be hard headed, but that doesn’t make you hard hearted. However, other people can’t read your mind. They may not see the soft underbelly if you’re whacking them with a machete. You call it defending yourself—they call it murder (tomato tomato). Consider your words and actions. Everyone needs a little PR manager…

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Your thoughts are out of control. You’re headed towards disaster, but you’re headed there with a smile on your face. Nothing would make you happier than to win this round with your inner demons. Consider that you don’t have to take every path alone. There are people out there who would gladly assist you and maybe even join you. It’s okay to ask for help!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Hello little Pisces, so you’re a little crazy that’s fine. You’ve kept it well hidden (NOT!). But, it’s in a sweet lovable little package. Remember to take time out for yourself and honor those around you. You can’t fake it forever, eventually the truth gets out. Whatever it is trust in your friends to stand by you. Hell, they’ll either bail you out or be right beside you. You’ve got this!