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Jesus on the Holy Spirit

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“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth … He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you.” John 16:13-14 (ESV)

Before Jesus submitted himself to the cross, He spent the previous evening sharing privately with His disciples important lessons they would need in the coming hours, days and years. Among those teachings, Jesus shared some specific teachings about the Holy Spirit.

Jesus used multiple terms to refer to the Holy Spirit, each descriptive of the Spirit’s role. “The Helper” or “Comforter” coming from the Greek word for ‘defender’ such as legal counsel or a battle buddy, to help in difficult situations. “The Spirit of Truth,” emphasizing the importance of the Spirit’s role in remembering the teachings of Jesus in times of need and conviction. We are also told the Spirit bears witness to the world, testimony of who Jesus is (the righteous Son of God), what Jesus has done (sacrificed Himself to cover our sins with His righteous blood), and that He is coming again.

Immediately before the verses above, Jesus also shared that “the Helper” would bring conviction to the world regarding sin, righteousness and judgment. In each of these, the world (meaning the people of the world), would be convicted of their own sinfulness, as “the Helper” dwells in Jesus’ disciples (then and now) and preforms the good works prepared by God for them to do, to demonstrate the Love of Jesus to the world.

“The Helper” is also to convict the world with the righteousness of Jesus, again as “the Helper” lives and dwells in Jesus’ disciples. As our lives are transformed, the watching world will see the love of Jesus lived out and they will become convicted that Jesus is the only one truly right with God the Father.

As “the Helper” lives in Jesus’ disciples, the world will also become convicted that Satan has been defeated by Jesus. Jesus is who He claimed to be, the Son of God, and lives again, having died to sin and death forever, for us. We have the hope of eternal life because Jesus now lives forever.

Truly the bottom line for the role of the “Helper,” the “Spirit of Truth,” is all about bringing glory to Jesus. Just as Jesus hears and obeys the Father, doing all that He is given, the Spirit likewise lives and moves to hear and obey Jesus, giving Jesus glory and honor. If something appears to be spiritual, yet does not glorify Jesus and the Father, it is not the Holy Spirit. The Spirit does not draw attention to Himself, but points to Jesus and what Jesus has done. In the same way, our lives, filled with the Spirit of Truth dwelling in us, are to give glory to Jesus and to God the Father.

Let us allow the Holy Spirit to dwell in us, glorifying the Father and the Son of God, by loving one another.

By Bill Emmerling

Pastor-Gallup Christian Church