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Why is Human Life Precious?

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Since 1973, there has been much heated discussion about the Supreme Court ruling entitled Roe vs. Wade. There are many heated opinions about the ruling and its aftermath. The purpose of this article is not to address the court’s ruling; rather, the purpose is to ask the question from a Biblical perspective, “Why is Human Life Precious?”

From an evolutionary point of view, the most valuable form of life is that which is strongest and survives, that which pushes its genes further into the future. Pragmatism pure and simple. For those who hold an evolutionary view, human life has no more, nor less, value than that of a dog, or even a worm or microbe. Only that which survives have value. Turning to God’s word, we find a different perspective.

‘Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…”

So God created man in his own image,

in the image of God he created him;

male and female he created them.’ Genesis 1:26a, 27.

Later in Genesis 9:6 we find:

“Whoever sheds the blood of man,

by man shall his blood be shed,

for God made man in his own image.”

This is a very limited selection of texts which demonstrate why humans have value. As humans, we only have value because we are made in the image (reflection) of God.

This leads to a second question: “When does human life begin?” Scripture is rather clear about this as well. Human life, at all points of development, is just that, human life. One has only to look to Job 10:8 and his description of the formation of a child in the womb, as well as Psalm 139:13-16 and the call of Jeremiah (1:5). It is interesting to note in 2017, scientists first recorded “an explosion of tiny sparks…” when human sperm enters a human egg.” While these sparks are attributed to a chemical reaction of zinc when the sperm and egg come in contact, at that instance, a uniquely defined HUMAN life, made in the image of God, came into being.

With these facts and ideas, we come to a sobering conclusion: when we bless other people, we are honoring and blessing our God, because they are made in His image. Conversely, when we dishonor, hurt other people, made in the image of God, we are attacking the image of God, indirectly attacking God himself.

While God has provided a means of forgiveness, even for those who murder, we should remember, God judges those who harm and kill the innocent. Throughout the prophets we find examples similar to that found in Jeremiah 19:3-6 where God makes it clear that Israel was judged and sent into captivity for, among other things, that they “…filled this place [the temple] with the blood of innocents…” It is time that we, individually and collectively, recognize our sins and repent of the evil we continue to do in our nation, that God might bring healing upon our land (2 Chronicles 7:12-14).

By Bill Emmerling

Pastor-Gallup Christian Church