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‘Spider-Man: Far from Home’ is a fun summer trip

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Rating: ««« out of ««««
Running Time: 129 minutes

Suffering from superhero fatigue? Well, you wouldn’t be alone. It seems that so many Marvel movies have come down the pipeline the past few years that it’s difficult just to keep up with them all. The latest entry is Spider-Man: Far from Home, and it marks the...

‘Midsommar’ looks spectacular, but the characters can be difficult to fathom

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Rating: «« out of ««««
Running Time: 140 minutes

Sometimes, a movie comes along that is unexpectedly difficult to review. Ever watched a picture that had a lot of intriguing ideas, effective elements and looked quite remarkable, yet you couldn’t buy into the concept and lost empathy for several of the characters?  Well, that pretty much sums up this critic’s take on Midsommar, the new horror movie from Ari Aster (Hereditary). It is certainly admirable in many respects, yet at the same time is something of a jumbled mess.

Dani (Florence Pugh) is a university student suffering from a personal tragedy. Her boyfriend Christian (Jack Reynor) finds her emotional needs difficult...

DVD/Blu-ray Roundup for July 5, 2019

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Hello once again, and welcome to another look at highlights arriving on Blu-ray and DVD. It may be a holiday week, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t several interesting releases worth your while. So, if you can’t make it out to the movies this week, be sure to give one of these titles a try!

Big New Releases!

An Acceptable Loss - A former top security advisor for the US government finds herself pushed into a regrettable decision after following the advice of a seasoned political official. Disturbed by the bill passed, the lead decides to go public about her concerns, knowing that these actions could bring down the government. Unfortunately, no one around...

‘Yesterday’ is an entertaining cover that tugs on the heartstrings

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Rating: ««« out of ««««

Running Time: 116 minutes

The new comedy Yesterday boasts quite a pedigree. Not only does it contain covers of classic tunes from The Beatles, but it also has a wealth of talent behind the camera, including director Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, 28 Days Later, Slumdog Millionaire) and writer Richard Curtis (Bridget Jones’s Diary, Love Actually, Pirate Radio, About Time). Admittedly, the film may not mark career highpoints for either participant. However, there is a great deal of affection present for its subject and the movie ultimately comes across as sweet, breezy, and enjoyable.

Jack Malik (Himesh Patel) is a struggling musician in a seaside English...

‘Annabelle Comes Home’ but doesn’t bring many chills

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Rating: «« out of ««««

Running Time: 106 minutes

It has only been two months since the release of The Curse of La Llorona, the last film in The Conjuring universe. This time out, the makers turn to one of the series’ most iconic threats with Annabelle Comes Home. Yet while promising to deliver some familiar faces doing battle with the forces of evil, the movie actually focuses on elements that won’t be of nearly as much interest. Ever wanted to see a movie that focuses primarily on the babysitter of two renowned paranormal investigators? Didn’t think so.

The film is set in the early ‘70s and follows Lorraine Warren (Vera Farmiga) and her husband Ed (Patrick Wilson) who...

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