
Gallup Sun

Thursday, May 02nd

Last update04:10:43 PM GMT

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N.M. leaders urge Biden Administration to provide clean energy tax credits

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WASHINGTON D.C. — U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, and U.S. Senator Ben Ray Luján, D-N.M., sent a letter urging the Biden administration to adopt rules that facilitate smooth implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act’s prevailing wage and...

Don’t forget your shacket

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It’s that time of year: is it spring yet? Or is it summer? Wait, is it going to get cold again? What? There’s snow in the forecast this week? Marpril in Central Indiana is like a box of chocolates, assuming that box of chocolates was insane and had a personal vendetta against you and your garden.

Enter the shacket. While in New England, a shacket is another name for a yellowjacket or hornet, I’m not talking about flying insects with miniature needles on their butts. No, I’m talking about a piece of clothing hybrid of a shirt and a jacket. It’s a shacket. Picture a thick, slightly oversized flannel shirt for which retailers can charge $130 and you’ll get a good idea of what...

New Mexico is right to hold out for higher prices for its most valuable commodity

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New Mexico is a land with many valuable assets – from our rich cultural diversity to our stunning physical beauty, to our mineral wealth. These assets belong to us all and while it’s impossible to put a price on some of them – our culture and natural landscape, to be precise – we can and do put a price on our mineral wealth. And that price needs to be fair so that we are all receiving the benefit of the bounty beneath our feet.

That’s why we support State Land Commissioner Stephanie Garcia Richard’s pause on certain leases on land in the Permian Basin. Commissioner Garcia Richard rightfully paused the leasing until the state increases its royalty rates to market values...

One last word on words

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Well, folks, this is it. Today marks my final Grammar Guy column. After seven years, I’ve decided to hang up the typewriter and retire from the lucrative freelance newspaper column side hustle.

To leave you with one last “word nerd” lesson, I’d like to talk about the power of words (for better or for worse). In Dead Poets Society, Robin Williams’ character Mr. Keating tells his students, “No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.” This quote causes me to “sound my barbaric yawp,” as Walt Whitman writes.

Words have the power of life or death. It seems as though — in the age of social media algorithms and always-on partisan news — we...

Salome’s Stars

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ARIES (March 21 to April 19) The last lingering days of winter leave the rambunctious Ram more restless than usual. Put all of the extra energy into strengthening a long-neglected relationship.

TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) The clever Bull will ignore outward appearances and dig a little deeper to find important hidden facts before making a decision. Meanwhile, a friend needs you.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) It’s a good time to reorganize around your home and on the job. Missing items will seem to magically reappear once you discard the clutter.

CANCER: (June 21 to July 22) Tame that skeptical nature of yours. Be open to well-intended advice from a family member. A co-worker also has a...

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