
Gallup Sun

Sunday, Feb 09th

Last update02:05:48 AM GMT

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Pet of the Week

Pet of the Week: Meet Loki!

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He came to the McKinley County Humane Society as an owner surrender. The owner abandoned him and moved to Albuquerque leaving him behind to fend for himself. The owner’s sister said she discovered him at her sister’s old house. she then took care of him with their father until he had a fall. At this  point it has...

Pets of the Week

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Nala and Red are the best of buds. They are both fixed as they were going to be adopted together but unfortunately their possible adopter never showed. Nala is black and white and 8 years old and Red is white and tan and 7 years old.

They are both very sweet and love to lay in the sun and relax. They are bonded and are in desperate need of a loving and responsible home for adoption, even a foster as these babies are on the McKinley County Humane Society’s euthasia list and they are desperately trying to give them a second chance.

The shelter is giving them away at a special rate of $90 for both of them. They are good with other dogs and would make amazing ranch dogs.


Pets of the Week

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Meet Sullivan and Ciela, twin husky-mixes!

They were found at MccGaffey Lake and followed a man on his walk. The man took it upon himself to bring the dogs to the McKinley County Humane Shelter to see if they were microchipped. They didn’t have a chip and were fostered by the founder until the shelter had room for them.

Sullivan can be vocal and playful when he’s in the mood. He stays calm when he’s around his sister Ciela. Sullivan is the more dominant of the two, but he gets very lonesome when his sister is gone. Ciela is very active and honestly could care less if her brother is gone. She is an independent female and just likes to do her own thing.

Anyone interested in...

Pet of the Week: Meet Mimzy!

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She was found wandering around the local Walmart without  a collar and she wasn’t chipped.

Mimzy is winning everyone’s hearts over at the McKinley County Humane Society. She is very good on a leash and she is very well mannered with adults, kids, and other dogs alike. She likes to come out of her kennel and come up front and sleep in her bed in the office.

She just had puppies, and the humane society will need to hold her until she’s done nursing them, but anyone who is interested can foster her and her puppies. Her puppies are expected to be weaned off her in about two months.

Anyone interested in Mimzy can visit her at the McKinley County Humane Society at 1273 Balok St. in...

Pets of the Week

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Meet Nala and Bud!

These sweethearts were found on the side of the highway together. A good Samaritan stopped for them and turned them into the McKinley County Humane Society for help.

The humane society was able to clear them of sea ticks right away and help them gain their strength back. They also received deworming medication.

They are now on a nutritional diet so they are able to keep weight on.

These sweet babies were very fortunate to be sponsored, which means their adoption fees are paid for already. All they need is a kind hearted soul or family to adopt them. They would need their spay and neuter surgeries before they leave the facility and at that time have a microchip...
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