
Gallup Sun

Sunday, Feb 09th

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Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: Not just another day on the calendar: Indigenous Peoples’ Day matters

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Every day is Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Even more so in the “Indian Capital of the World” where the Gallup City Council acknowledged the historical contributions of the First Nations who call “Turtle Island” home and met the challenge of celebrating the correct history of this misguided federal...

Letter to the editor: Caregivers need care, too

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As the Navajo Nation recovers from COVID-19, we must ask ourselves a simple question: how do we make sure everyone benefits from the recovery?

Home care workers provide essential services to older adults and people with disabilities. Yet, they struggle to earn a living – a result of longstanding inequities of women and persons of color. Caregivers are not just an important part of Arizona’s aging population. Without caregivers, much of the rest of the economy would not even function. Arizona is also an aging state as we all know – like other states, the 65+ population increased by 51 percent between 2008-2018.

And nationwide, in the decade from 2018 to 2028, all our states will...

Letter to the Editor: COVID helps sweep Gallup streets

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Dear Editor,

An eyesore around Gallup has somewhat vanished since the closing of the uptown motels and the prohibition of hard liquor sales at the local gas stations.

It’s high time they closed those motels and ordered them to clean up. I imagine that it took a mayor’s order to do just that, especially before the busy tourist season. And if not by his orders, then whom? Someone who has more oversight of his town, than him?

I can tell you that as a weekend warrior and someone who has taken to the streets of Gallup at times, IMPORTERS VODKA, at 4 or 5 bucks a pint was the major cause of eyesores at these gas stations. Those gas stations that sold hard liquor would stack cases of...

Letter to the editor: What to do with the mask/no mask policy

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When I was a teenager, I saw signs at stores or small businesses “NO SHIRT NO SHOES NO SERVICE.” I can also remember signs in stores that read “WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SERVICE FOR ANY REASON.”

Now, when I go into a store it reads “Masks Required & Stay 6 Feet Apart”.  Most people are wearing them, a few are not.  Why is no one in the store saying anything to ones who are not?

Walmart has a new policy not POSTED on the doors that they no longer allow open firearm carry.  Walmarts in New Mexico have taken all the firearms out and they no longer sell ammunition or will not restock it.

Now we are being told if you are vaccinated you need not wear a mask inside a...

Letter to the editor: Learning opportunities in a more peaceful world

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A GMCS announcement in Gallup Sun’s May 28th edition of a promising opportunity for STEM Core students drew my attention.

I hope this “internship” program is still available for local students and hope participating students will enjoy gaining more understanding of their true interests and begin exploring career pathways.

Over the years some taxpayer-financed research in the National Labs has been beneficial. One notable example was providing the expertise needed for the development of the 2016 JCPOA, the Iran Nuclear Deal.

However, students visiting the Labs might now learn that production of nuclear weapons has replaced much of the Labs’ research activity...

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