
Gallup Sun

Wednesday, Feb 12th

Last update01:02:13 AM GMT

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Bleacher Talk

Fox Run is Open for Play

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For those who are tired of the Gallup to Grants commute on a regular basis, or even farther, the news about Fox Run Golf Course is good, and getting better.

Although not up to the highest standards, or even to previous ones, the work at Fox Run is improving and laying a solid foundation for future years. It has...

Boxing Never Left Gallup

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OK, I admit there was an error in a previous column when I announced that boxing had returned to Gallup. It turns out it never left, it just didn’t generate much publicity.

The Gallup Police Athletic League has been training and working with young boxers, from age six to the young 20s, for a number of years. Located in the old jail behind the Gallup Police Department, the gym has been furnished with a boxing ring and several sets of equipment to help in the training.

Coached by Chuck Padilla, a former boxer who won Golden Gloves twice as a teenager - back-to-back as a 15 and 16-year-old – and Frank “Pancho” Diaz, GPAL accepts both boys and girls in a very informal manner...

I’m Sooo Bored!

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Let me admit right off that I am not, repeat NOT, the person to come to for sympathy. Oh sure, I have lots of empathy for people living in conditions they have little control over, but if you go much beyond those conditions, you’re barking up the wrong tree.

It’s a common complaint, now and even in the past, for those afflicted with boredom to never look past the one tree in their life while forgetting the many and varied trees in the entire forest or jungle. Thus, the headline of today’s column.

Perhaps my unsympathetic response to this subject is rooted in my occupation. In my experience as a sports writer, I have covered a multitude of activities. Quite a few of them I had...

Kids Are Wonderful, Parents Not So Much

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The resignation letter of May 21 on Facebook is over 600 words long, and will not be repeated verbatim here, but the board members of the Gallup Amateur Baseball/Softball Association held a lengthy interview on May 26 to further explain their actions.

Their comments were a reaction to a Letter to the Editor, published in the Independent newspaper, criticizing the efforts and actions of the board and/or coach toward her 10-year old son. Written by a parent, Cathy Covington, that slightly overstated her case, it became the straw that broke the back of the board members.

“We had stated before last year’s season that we would only run the league for two years,” said Doctor Lawrence...

“It Means More to Teach”

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This writer has written many stories in the last 10 years about the exploits and talents of 14-year old Dylan Vargas. None are more important to me than the overall skills this young man demonstrates in other fields, rounding out his thirst for knowledge and accomplishments that seems never-ending.

His Second Degree Black Belt and the accumulation of 745 trophies and 49 World Championships he has garnered in the last decade are very impressive, but his short life so far has not depended on these accomplishments alone. Dylan is also an awesome sudent, holding a 4.0 GPA as he finishes his eighth-grade year, and holding two Regional Science first place awards. He was unable to attend...

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