
Gallup Sun

Sunday, Feb 09th

Last update02:05:48 AM GMT

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Bleacher Talk

Make a Choice: Freedom or Security

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Both words in the headline are used a lot these days. The problem is that few can really define either.

I have heard the phrase, “I’m free to do what I want,” that it sometimes makes me physically nauseous. The same goes for, “I’ll defend myself, my family, and my country to the last bullet.”

The two words do...

It Was a Very Good Week

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There often is something, some small thing even, that can foul up your week. This is true in any kind of weather everywhere in the world and does not confine itself to one general or specific subject. Things just seem to happen in no apparent order, and there is good and bad intermingled, it seems.

The old wives tale was that these items occurred in threes. That was probably so you could optimize your conditions by knowing that after three bad events you would be more thankful for a good one. Of course, this adage worked in reverse as well, so instead of thankful, you may begin to dread every passing day, at least until the cycle was ready to change again.

From a positive...

Sarcasm Makes Cynics of Us All

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It’s a good thing we have friends to keep us grounded and also to make sure we are wearing pants before stepping outside the house!

One of mine was quick to point out that in last week’s column, I failed in writing just about sarcasm, because sarcasm usually leads to cynicism, which can easily become an argument, then to a fight, and eventually to a full-blown war. We need to rein back those impulses some, I know, regardless of the urges we feel. Don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings, after all. Ooops!

My friend was also quick to disparage my home-spun morality tales in the same column, telling me point blank that they needed an update. Ok, already, I get the point! What ever...

The Biggest Lie: It’s All About the Kids

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People sometimes wonder why I’m sarcastic. I tell them that a steady dose of listening to politicians and even non-government types talk about their lofty goals that will benefit EVERYBODY, or maybe just a small group of people unable to defend themselves, has made me that way. You’ve heard the same words, maybe.

The one that bothers me the most are when these same ‘leaders’ use the phrase, ‘It’s all about the kids.’ That one makes my blood boil, especially when it is evident that whatever they are doing is not for the kids, it’s for the egos and control of those making the decision.

Take the recent decision of the New Mexico Activities Association, the governing body...

A Busy Week is Always the Best

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If the headline for this column is true, there must have been a lot of happy people in Gallup last week.


Kristy Tiley and her dancers always put on a great show, whether it is for halftime or in this competitive environment of the Turquoise Classic. She starts with mini-dancers – about the age of four – and tries to keep them interested and improving every year right through high school.

The ultimate goal for most of these young ladies is to become a member of the Gallup High Bengal Girls Dance Team, a highly evolved and greatly experienced team of teenagers that at the least make you want to tap your feet as they move. A few go beyond even that goal and continue their...

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