
Gallup Sun

Wednesday, Feb 12th

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Bleacher Talk

Despite the bad, there’s a lot of good kids in the Gallup area

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If you’ve never taken the time to attempt to see the good – and the good people – in Gallup, then maybe you deserve to be depressed. The good is out there if you will only open your eyes!

Maybe I have an unfair advantage as sports writer, but I do see young boys and girls working hard every day to make a better life...

Never Too Late for Resolutions

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Maybe this column should have been written a couple weeks ago, but since I don’t personally tie resolutions to any specific date, this time will have to suffice.

It is at this time of year people world-wide like to celebrate by a reasonably strong desire to change the things they don’t like about themselves. Hopefully for the better, though circumstances being what they are, one never knows for sure.

My personal resolutions began with a visit in October to the V.A. Hospital that quickly evolved from sore knees to other long term problems. Before I knew it, I not only had eight weeks of physical therapy lined up at Enchantment Therapy here in town but also a prescription for...

A Thought From the Other Side

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I am pretty sure it is my military training as an analyst that makes me regard change with a great deal of skepticism. I do remember that I was carefree before that time, just going with the flow, as my generation used to say.

Well, the flow isn’t all that bad, until you tumble over the falls onto the rocks below. At that point, you might become a skeptic as well.

Political speeches aside, we Americans are much too eager to accept a radical solution to a problem that needs careful consideration. The opposite has also been true; too much talk and too little action.

In today’s world we only trust our own judgement, no matter how badly it has abused us in the past. A short-term...

Paying Attention to All Students

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Probably the most difficult position in the world is trying to remain totally unbiased, especially towards younger people. Of course it also applies to adults, but parents, teachers and coaches would seem to take the brunt of the problem upon themselves, maybe or not rightly so.

I’ve talked about this before, but with more of a sports theme. The problem, naturally, doesn’t end with just games, but extends itself to almost every other aspect of humanity, including: food choices; to read or not to read; TV programming; and the list is almost endless. We have become so convinced of our wants and desires they render us incapable of seeing, listening, tasting, smelling or thinking...

Biggest Tournament, Others Eat Crow

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Nothing better in any season than watching a tournament. In this area basketball is King, of course, and the biggest tournament belongs to Wingate High School and their three-week, 32-team Holiday Classic.

This tournament starts off the week before Winter Break with a varsity girls’ bracket, then goes to varsity boys’ the next weekend. Following those two are two-day junior varsity tournaments, one for each gender.

This current edition started in 1998 as a JV tournament for girls and boys, but added varsity boys in 2002 and varsity girls in 2012. To my knowledge, it is the largest basketball tournament in the state if all divisions are counted.

And the facilities at the gym...

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