
Gallup Sun

Monday, Jan 13th

Last update02:16:09 AM GMT

You are here: Sports Bleacher Talk A Sold Out Crowd is Always a Good Sign

A Sold Out Crowd is Always a Good Sign

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People all around the area are asking about the availability of tickets for the Rotary Scholarship Banquet that will feature ‘Mean Joe’ Greene on Feb. 11.

Although confirmation has not yet been made, word has it that all the advance tickets have been sold. Since that word is not confirmed, interested parties should contact a member of the Rotary for more information.

Sammy Chioda is in charge of this, as far as is known, but other Rotarians may know more about it.

It is always good when a local service club has an extremely good turnout for any event, especially when it involves students in the area.

Proceeds from the sales, and other fundraisers put on by these great men and women, will be distributed among the finalists for Seniors of the Month from area high schools. And listeners at the banquet will get to hear from one of the original “Steel Curtain” member of the Pittsburgh Steelers.

It is one of the best ways to beat the winter doldrums after the Super Bowl.