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You are here: Community Guides Community Calendar Sep. 18 - Sep. 24, 2015

Community Calendar Sep. 18 - Sep. 24, 2015

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FRIDAY Sept. 18

New Mexico State Fair (Sept. 10-20)

It’s oil and gas day at the New Mexico state fair, along with a science and technology demonstration. Learn something new it’s fun and interesting. Also, celebrate the Parade of champions with livestock from New Mexico’s youth. Open 10 am-9 pm. Located at 300 San Pedro Dr. NE, Albuquerque, NM. Call 505-222-9700 for pricing and information.

Ingham Chapman Gallery

UNM-Gallup invites you to the Ingham Chapman Gallery for selections from the Tamarind Permanent Collection – the art of Valerie Roybal. Gallery hours 10 am- 5pm. Location: 705 Gurley Ave. Art Talk at 5:30 pm

Computer Classes

The library is offering a free Intermediate Microsoft Excell (2010) computer training from 2-4 pm at the Octavia Felin Library. Class size is limited to 10 participants per session. Registration is required at the Front Desk call (505) 863-1291 at the Main Branch, 115 W. Hill Ave.

Drop-in Films

Tonight’s feature: The Muppet Movie. Starts 4 pm. Children’s Branch, 200 W. Aztec. All ages.

CROP Hunger Walk Fund Raiser Supper

A soup & salad supper will be held at the Community Pantry from 4:30 pm -7 pm. Come and enjoy a smorgasbord of soups and salad fixings (many form the pantry’s Hope Gardens) for only $5, a beverage and dessert included. Located at: 1130 Hasler Valley Road, across from the Gallup Community Service Center.  For more information contact Shafiq Chaudhary: 505-227-7424.


The Pat n Mike variety show to perform 8-10 pm at Coal Street Pub, 303 W, Coal Ave. (505) 722-0117.


Starts at 5 pm. El Morro Theater, 207 West Coal Ave. Not Rated.


Saturday Stories

Start your Saturday mornings off right with an interactive story time for children of all ages and their families. Each week will feature songs as well as books, at least one puppet story, and include a short craft or activity at the end. Starts 10:30 am, Children’s Branch, 200 W. Aztec.

Ritual and Traditional Hispanic Folk Music

The Library will host Dr. Cipriano Vigil as he presents Hispanic folk music and other traditional songs. He will take the audience back to the encircling institutions where village rituals bound families and neighbors together in responsibility for each other. The program is free and part of the Latino Americans program: 500 Years of History.

For more information call (505) 863-1291 or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Event begins at 2 pm. Main Branch 115 W. Hill Ave.

Free Range

Free Range to perform bluegrass and country from 8-10 pm at Coal Street Pub, 303 W, Coal Ave. (505) 722-0117.

SUNDAY Sept. 20

Overeaters Anonymous

Meetings every Sunday at 6 pm, First United Methodist Church, 1800 Red Rock Dr., corner of Nizhoni/Red Rock. Enter northwest corner off Nizhoni; Library room.

National Veteran’s Conference

UNM-Gallup presents the student veterans association. Empowering Native American Veterans to speak with one voice to shape policy. Golf Tournament from at 8 am- 2 pm. Gourd Dance beings at 5 pm. Location: Isleta Resort & Casino Pueblo of Isleta 11000 Broadway BLVD SE, Albuquerque, NM 87105. For more information contact Marvin Trujillo, (505) 366-1560, or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

MONDAY Sept. 21

Introduction to PowerPoint Computer

The library is offering free computer training throughout the month of September at the Octavia Fellin Library, at 5:30 – 7:30 pm. Class size is limited to 10 participants per session. Registration is required. You can register at the library Front Desk, call (505) 863- 129, or email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Main Branch 115 W Hill Ave.

TUESDAY Sept. 22

City of Gallup

The city of Gallup is having a city council meeting from 6 - 8:30 pm. Agendas will be available at least 72 hours prior to each meeting. Location: City Hall. 110 West Aztec Avenue. For more information call (505) 863-1254.

Teen Cafe

A place for middle schoolers to hang out and make crafts, design, build, experiment, watch movies, or play video games (Ages 11-14). Starts 4 pm. Craft: Balloon Ping Pong.

Gallup-McKinley County Schools

The Gallup-McKinley County Schools will host a Board of Education Meeting. Begins at 4 pm at Twin Lakes Elementary, N. HWY 491 Twin Lakes, NM 87301.

Parent Teacher Conference

Please check with your child’s school for exact time. For more information call (505)


Touring Southwest

Joshua Kloyda to perform as he tours the southwest from 8-10 pm, at Coal Street Pub, 303 W, Coal Ave. (505) 722-0117.


Toddler Time

An active and energetic program for toddlers (2-4), featuring music, movement, rhythm, and stories. Starts at 10:30 am, Children’s Branch, 200 W. Aztec.

Maker’s Club

A club for kids interested in science, math, building, and inventing (Ages 7 and up).  Each week will feature a different challenge, project, or experiment. Starts 4 pm. Children’s Branch, 200 W. Aztec. This Week: Bubble Science.

Interfaith Candlelight Prayer and Vigil

Join the Interfaith community for a candlelight prayer vigil to take place at the Courthouse Square between 6:30- 7:30 pm. All are invited to this time of simple prayer and to seek guidance for our country in addressing the challenges of climate change, justice, and the growing economic disparity from environmental degradation. Location: Courthouse Plaza Square, downtown Gallup on Aztec Ave. For more information contact Pat Sheely, (505) 722-756.


Local talent takes center stage from 8-10 pm at Coal Street Pub, 303 W. Coal Ave. (505) 722-0117.


Microsoft Word beginner’s Course

The library is offering free computer training throughout the month of September, at the Octavia Felin Library at 2-4 pm. Class size is limited to 10 participants per session. Registration is required. You can register at the library Front Desk, call (505) 863-1291, or email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it at the Main Branch 115 W. Hill Ave.

Crafty Kids

Fun crafts for the whole family (all ages). Starts at 4 pm. Children’s Branch, 200 W. Aztec. Make: Tissue Roll Elephant.

City of Gallup

The city of Gallup is hosting a Neighborhood Meeting with Councilor Fran Palochak, District 4. This is a great place to share ideas and address concerns. Meeting takes place from 6 – 8 pm, at the Tobe Turpen Elementary School, 3310 Manuelito Dr.

Movie: Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation. Starts at 5 pm. El Morro Theater, 207 West Coal Ave. Rated PG-13.


McKinley County HumanE Society

Call McKinley County Human Society to schedule your pets spay or neuter surgery. Discounted pricing for low income pet owners every Wednesday. Call for appointments (505) 863-2616. Thank you for getting your pets fixed to reduce our local pet overpopulation.

McKinley County Area Quilter’s Guild

Come join us, or just drop by and enjoy hospitality.  Our quilting bees are every Tuesday starting at 9 am to 9 pm; and Thursday from 9 am -9 pm. The Bee Room is located in the Larry Brian Mitchel center at 705 Montoya BLVD. For more information, please contact Virginia Gustafson (505) 879- 3001.

Historias de Gallup

The Library is collecting oral histories from people in the community. Historias de Gallup will focus on Hispanic History in the area and stories that will give listeners a picture of Gallup in the past. Anyone interested in participating should contact the library to schedule an interview time. For more information, please call the library (505) 863-1291, or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Main Branch, 115 W. Hill Ave.

Community Pantry

The Hope Garden is offering organic produce for sale from 10 am -12 pm Tue - Fri. The pantry is located, at 1130 E. Hasler Valley Rd. All funds go to helping feed local folks. For personal attention call (505) 726-8068 or when visiting ask for Kenworth Jones.

First Indian Baptist Church

Monday Night Back to Basics Bible Class, Red Hills Trailer Park recreation center 7 pm; Tuesday Family Bible Study FIBC 501 S. 3rd St., 6 pm; Sunday Worship and Prayer at FIBC 501 S. 3rd, 10:30 am. Contact: Pastor Robert Fontenot (505) 906-2808 / This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it / www.fibcgallup.weebly.com

Sustainable Gallup Board Meeting

The City of Gallup’s Sustainable Gallup Board meets on the first Monday of each month from 3-5 pm. Location: The Mayor’s Conference Room at City Hall, 110 W. Aztec Ave. Community members concerned about conservation, energy, water, recycling, and other environmental issues are welcome. Call. Bill Bright at 722-0039.

Gallup Solar Meetings

Interested in learning more about solar energy? Come to a Gallup Solar meeting, held the first three Wednesdays of the month from 6-8 pm, East Logan Ave. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or call (505) 726-2497.

Habitat for Humanity

Yard Sale fundraisers are open 9 to noon every Saturday on Warehouse Lane off of Allison Road. If you have household items to donate or wish to volunteer on construction, call Bill Bright at (505) 722-4226.

Save the Date

The Gallup-McKinley Humane Society presents the Great Gatsby Bow Meow Gala Dinner & Dance fundraiser Oct. 17, starting at 6 pm at Red Rock Park Auditorium. Tickets will be sold at Humane Society and Mystique Salon and Day Spa.