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Sports Scoreboard

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Oct. 19, Thursday

GHS BS 1, Kirtland 3

GHS GS 1, Kirtland 2

GHS VB 1, Bloomfield 3

MHS BS 0, Aztec 2

MHS GS 0, Aztec 8

MHS VB 0, Kirtland 3

WHS VB 0, Shiprock 3


Oct. 20, Friday

GHS FB 0, Bloomfield 45

MHS FB 46, Kirtland 23

RCHS BS 4, Desert Academy 1


Oct. 21, Saturday

WHS FB 14, Shiprock 66


Oct. 24, Tuesday

GHS VB 3, Aztec 1

RCHS VB 3, Zuni 1

Rehoboth Christian Cross Country ran in Kirtland at the Bronco Ridge Runner Invtie on Friday, Oct. 20. The boys placed 8th of 12 teams with 236 points and the girls were 5th of 10 teams with 14 points. Individual places and times below:

BOYS 78 Runners

18 Devin Toddy, 17:56.4

29 Joseph Niiha, 18:32.3

53 Vinell Mariano, 19:39.8

69 Kevin Henry, 21:59.9

71 Cody Henry, 22:14.6

GIRLS 72 Runners

8 Elise DeMol, 21:34.8

11 Anna Huizinga, 21:48.7

24 Nina Bitsilly, 22:38.8

28 Melanie Bitsilly, 22:51.7

46 Ambria Hubbard, 24:29.3

53 Emerald Toddy, 25:09.2

58 Rachael Martin, 26:09.7

Gallup Cross Country ran in the Grants Cross Country Invitational on Friday, Oct. 20. The boys finished 4th of 16 teams with 130 points and the girls were 7th of 12 teams with 155 points. Individual places and times below for top five runners:



4 Dimitri Begay, 18:12

19 Shawn McCreight, 19:05

33 Brandon James, 19:39

36 Thomas Eriacho, 19:43

38 Cameron Benally, 19:45

40 Joaquin Ortega, 19:47

42 Illijah Lester, 19:54



1st, Jessica Ramirez, 20:51

18 Celine Nez, 23:11

41 Sharianne Bennett, 24:54

46 Vanessa Gorman, 25:06

49 Hunter Livingston, 25:15

64 Cheyenne John, 26:37

70 Laila Etsitty, 27:13

Miyamura Cross Country ran in the Grants Cross Country Invitational on Friday, Oct. 20. The boys finished second with 73 points and the girls’ team was also second with 95 points. Individual places and times below for top five runners:



1 Ty McCray, 17:25

15 Riley Watson, 18:55.19

16 Elijah Begay, 18:55.89

18 Tyon Benson, 19:03

23 Jairyn Jones, 19:17



2 Ashley Thomas, 21:13

6 Kaleia Vicente, 21:44

22 Lauryn Thomas, 23:40

28 Tonya Tolino, 24:01

37 Melodie Houston, 24:41

Wingate Cross Country ran in the Grants Cross Country Invitational on Friday, Oct. 20. The boys finished 12th of 16 teams with 314 points and the girls were 9th of 12 teams with 272 points. Individual places and times were not available but will be included in the next issue along with District results.