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Friday, Feb 07th

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You are here: Sports Bleacher Talk The perils of parents and punks

The perils of parents and punks

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One doesn’t have to read far into my article on the Gallup Amateur Baseball/Softball Association to discover my feelings about parents that don’t participate but want everything their way, and punks who see nothing wrong with taking advantage of others, even kids, to prove their own self-worth, or in this case worthlessness.

It is possible for those of us with experience to talk about both subjects for a long time. Without becoming Clint Eastwood, there is so little we can do about either problem except talk. It is where we find ourselves at a disadvantage in both cases.

It is no wonder that across our nation, youth sports is becoming more and more unpopular and expensive. Some people seem to get a lot of satisfaction in being ‘wreckers,’ as in Wreck-it Ralph. Too bad they will never feel pride in accomplishment other than getting their own way.

From where I stand right now, a double load or birdshot or a sharp slap to the face does not sound unreasonable, though I’m sure law enforcement would look at it differently.

Luckily, I believe that perseverance is sometimes its own reward.

Keep that thought in mind and I’ll see you in the bleachers.

By Tom Hartsock

Sun Correspondent