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You are here: Sports Bleacher Talk Recreational baseball and softball gears up for summer

Recreational baseball and softball gears up for summer

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Well, it’s that time of the year again to start up the recreational baseball and softball teams for the summer. And at the same time it is also the time of year that way too many immature adults – known as parents – suddenly decide that nobody can organize their children like they can. This is a rite of Spring that has become traditional, not just here but across the nation.

Every parent – whether or not they ever played baseball or softball at any level – knows more about the games than anyone else. Mostly what they know is how to destroy all the fun and enjoyment kids get from this team activity, and turn it into a tearful, angst-ridden, and often angry experience many of these kids will never want to repeat in their life.

Or will they? Frustrations linger for decades without ever using any kind of intelligence to prevent it. We humans always claim to know best, but the best sometimes need to stay home and let their kids have fun! It is only a game, in case you haven’t noticed. The last time I checked not one of these kids ever got picked up by a professional team in these sports, or any other for that matter.

Let the kids have fun while the older crowd stays home and screams at the politicians on TV. For those who want to be more constructive, I’ll see you in the bleacher!

By Tom Hartsock

Sun Correspondent