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Monday, Jan 13th

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You are here: Sports Bleacher Talk Parents should always be concerned about ‘their kids’

Parents should always be concerned about ‘their kids’

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It is often difficult to distinguish between normal parental concern for our kids and the almost paranoid attachment some have for their offspring. I have three children, and find myself wavering across that line in both directions, all the time. It is ‘normal’ to be concerned about those we bring into or raise in this current society. It’s never an easy job!

So this is my tribute to all parents that truly care, even as they slip over the line. Those in charge sometimes forget this; some parents care, albeit in different ways. Communication is key, within the family and/or school.

The parents also need to understand there are certain things out of the reach of their children, and more training is necessary before allowing them to go from the ‘frying pan to the fire.’

Several dozen of ‘our kids’ participated in District and State Tournaments over the last weekend, and all should be congratulated for their efforts. The teams should NOT have to win it all for these accolades to pour in; even the team that doesn’t win works just as hard as the eventual winner. Congratulate them all!

See you in the bleachers!

By Tom Hartsock

Sun Correspondent