
Gallup Sun

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Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor: Recognize Indigenous Peoples’ Day

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In July 1990, representatives from 120 Indian nations from every part of the Americas met in Quito, Ecuador in the First Continental Conference (Encuentro) joining many human rights, peace, social justice, and environmental organizations to recognize 500 Years of Native resistance against the continued colonization...


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A clarification for a Sept. 20 article

In the aforementioned article it is written that I “explained that one of [my] neighbors damaged a drainage pipe while performing maintenance work in his yard, he did not ask permission from the city to make any changes to the pipe prior to the incident.  After that happened, [I] told city staff, that the City of Gallup had marked it for private maintenance and was refusing to maintain it.”

My response to this statement is that they are the words and explanation of Stan Henderson, City of Gallup employee and project director for this upcoming undertaking. The statement and explanation are not my words.

I was the sole residential/community...

Response to ‘Thoughts on Trump’ Gallup Sun, Sept. 27

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The visit to New Mexico by Donald Trump on September 16, 2019, did not inspire hope or excitement. New Mexico has been fortunate to be considered a “Blue” State for many reasons, foremost is the fact that we are a State of diversity and inclusion, contrary to the Doctrine of Trump “MAGA” that promotes racism, hatred, division and violence.

The actions of the Republican GOP, scripted and rehearsed with their false patriotism, fake morality, serious lack of professional ethics, collaboration with America’s historical enemies and scandalous corruption are acceptable to them. And no wonder, Donald Trump’s Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy has over 52,000 Immigrant Children in...

Letter to the editor: Thoughts on Trump

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Love the man or hate the man, Donald Trump’s message to New Mexicans did inspire hope and excitement for our state’s future. Will we see the state turn Red in the next election? Maybe; Only time will tell. I want to express a few thoughts with you before I dive into, the experience of seeing a sitting president in my state, from 20 feet away.

This piece is a perspective piece, that I feel needs to be written out and put out there for consideration. Right now, I will tell you, trying to persuade someone to one side or the other on the political spectrum will not work.  We are all complex beings with emotions and ideas that are all completely our own. Accepting each other’s ideas...

Re: ‘What is the definition of clean?’

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Sunday morning, Labor Day weekend, I was trying to wash a stack of dishes while my two year old and his puppy were on a tear of destruction behind me. We just got over a tantrum when he pulled salsa out of the fridge just to spill it, and fought for at least a half hour when I demanded he was responsible for cleaning it up. With all this other chaos, all I could think of while trying to wash dishes, was the Housing Authority article I read the night before.

I understand, of course, public housing needs to do checks to stay up to codes and standards. Of course it helps ensure health and safety and welfare of all tenants. But I am lucky that no one is coming to do a housekeeping inspection...

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