
Gallup Sun

Monday, Jun 17th

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You are here: Opinions Letters to the Editor Safer staffing healthcare bill begins first hearing

Safer staffing healthcare bill begins first hearing

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Dear Editor,

House Bill 236, led by Rep. Eleanor Chavez and co-sponsored by Reps. Borrego, Castellano, Gurrola, Roybal Caballero, Rubio, and Sen. Brenda McKenna, would initiate a process for New Mexico to establish safe staffing parameters in our hospitals.

HB 236 is important as it would boost patient care levels by lessening the case loads of nurses and other healthcare professionals, and it would also help to lessen the burnout experienced by our healthcare workers.

AFT New Mexico is partnering with AFSCME District 1199 to promote and advocate for this legislation. HB 236 was presented on Feb.17 in the House Health Committee and public comment was taken. Due to a lack of time, committee debate was delayed until Feb. 20, however, many nurses and other healthcare workers were on hand to support the legislation.

In Solidarity,

Whitney Holland

American Federation of Teachers New Mexico President