
Gallup Sun

Monday, Jun 17th

Last update10:02:32 AM GMT

You are here: Opinions Letters to the Editor Letter to the Editor: Support for a primary winner

Letter to the Editor: Support for a primary winner

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I wanted to congratulate Yvette Herrell on her hard-fought victory in the primary election. I am endorsing Yvette Herrell, and I will make myself available to help her in the general election.  Yvette Herrell has shown her ability to win without compromising her basic conservative principles. It will take all of us to help elect Yvette Herrell to congress. Please help Yvette with your support and vote. Our country’s future depends on you.

Also I wanted to express my thanks to Claire Chase and her family. She ran a strong and proud campaign. Claire has shown that there is a bright future for young republicans in New Mexico.

To my supporters, thank you for your confidence in me and our conservative principles. Please believe me when I say that your hard work was not in vain. Together we stood for our core principles that God’s unborn children have a right to live, that there would be no 1st amendment without the protection of our 2nd amendment and that all Americans have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms. The United States Constitution is what makes America great. Our freedom, the right to act as individuals to raise our children with our own family values, and the right to practice our religious beliefs without any government interference, makes us a great nation.

Thank you for your support and God Bless America.


Chris Mathys

Candidate, United States Congress