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Letter to the editor: Veteran looks at policies amid pandemic

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Cibola County [was] still under lock down with 131 cases and 4 deaths as of 05-25-20 per the web. McKinley 2,192, & 93, San Juan, 5456, 108, Bernalillo 1,337 68 cases and deaths. Why is the governor keeping Cibola closed along with McKinley and San Juan Counties, because of high rates around us, but not Bernalillo County? Is it because the city mayor and sheriff in Cibola have bucked the lock down, or is it because there are more people in Bernalillo that might get upset come election day?


What’s considered “essential?” Food, prescription drugs, sometimes liquor, in most states, firearms. To slow the spread of the Coronavirus, 42 states have issued some form of a stay-at-home order, mandating that nearly all nonessential businesses close. Gun retailers in at least 30 of those states, however, have been allowed to stay open amid pushback from gun groups and the federal government.”

New Mexico’s new law states all gun purchases require a background check. Wal-Mart stores in NM then took all the guns out because they did not want people doing back ground checks in their stores. NM also wants to fine one of only two gun stores in Cibola County 60k for trying to stay open, letting one person in the store at a time to pay their pawn ticket or god forbid buy a box of ammo or even worse a GUN!


Amid Increased Gun Sales During Covid-19 Pandemic, Democratic Senators Send Letter To FBI + ATF Urging 5 Key Steps To Protect Public Safety.

The Senators’ letter, addresses key concerns at a time when there is increased risk of unintentional shootings, domestic violence, and suicide. There has also been a historic increase in background checks, with 41 percent more background checks completed in March 2020 than in March 2019. The following DEMOCRATIC Senators Ed Markey (D-MA), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Chris Murphy (D-CT) Michael Bennet (D-CO), Cory Booker (D-NJ), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Tom Carper (D-DE), Chris Coons (D-DE), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Kamala Harris (D-CA), Mazie Hirono (D-HI), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Patty Murray (D-WA), Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) all signed the letter.


In NM nearly 4,000 inmates and staff tested in the state’s 11 prisons is positive for COVID-19, according to results released by the state Corrections Department on Friday. As of this week [May 25, 2020], just 35 people have been released under an executive order the governor signed last month.  A report from the nonpartisan New Mexico Sentencing Commission from last fall identified nearly 300 people who could be released early under state law. So it seems NM wants to stop firearm sales, release more prisoners, and punish those cities or counties that don’t agree with their orders.

Remember this is information just on NM, vote out all Democrat’s with new ones, and vote Republican in the General if you want to really see changes.

Mr. Harry L. Hall
Retired Police Officer USAF Veteran

Editor’s note: Cibola, San Juan and McKinley counties are all included in the limited reopening of the state of New Mexico through the end of June.