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Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF DEC. 16

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On December 19, Mercury goes Retrograde and the Sun enters Capricorn on December 21. You may experience a shift in your mental state. If you’ve been under stress this will be a welcome respite. Consider reading Mark Manson’s self-help book, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. Madame G suggests you get out there and enjoy what’s left of 2016. Have fun!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

What’s waiting for you around the corner? In all your excitement and exuberance don’t forget to look both ways as you cross the street. Don’t knock people down to feel good. Your happiness doesn’t require the misery of others. Take stock of your surroundings and smile. There’s enough love and compassion to spread around. Live long and prosper!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Luck is alluding you. Is there a reason for this? Maybe you’ve converted to a new cell phone company and the old one hexed you. Maybe it’s time to re-evaluate where you stand with yourself. You’re the guide of your own life, the creator of your story, and the hero of your own journey. Stop giving away your own power. Own your mistakes. Live!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You’re a seeker on a never-ending quest. Don’t despair! This is your life. Make the most out of challenging situation and you’ll experience gratitude. Do more than make appreciation a form of practice. Instead incorporate the feeling of generosity into your spirit. Smile bright at each new person you meet. Smile even bigger for old friends. Tis’ the season…Happy Holidays!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You’re a handsome lad or lady! It’s in the way you walk and talk (just don’t let it get to your head). Everyone appreciates your smile and sage advice. But, friends and loved ones will be turned off by arrogance. Provide the information you can and let them decide how to best move forward. Don’t be discouraged when they nod their heads and go. They’re listening.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

A loved one needs an intervention, or five? You don’t know if this is the right course or not. It’s not always easy to know when our innocent children, or lifelong friends are lying to us. It’s often easier to take the easy road and roll it all up under the rug. You’re not the ruler of all things, dear Leo. Perhaps the advice comes too little too late. Maybe there’s only so much you can do.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You’re at a cross roads. If you head in one direction, you’ll head down a well-known path. Make another decision and you’ll head in another (perhaps unknown) direction. Whatever the outcome, this is your life. It’s up to you to live in a beautiful state or a suffering state. Even in the direst of situations you may discover who you really are and what you’re meant to be. C’est le vie.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct.22)

Don’t gloat! It’s an ugly color on you. If you find yourself in the situation where some else has lost, don’t rub it in their face. You’ve won. Let it go. Consider that while you laugh or mock the failure of this one person—there will be others to mock your next fall. Be kind. Be humble. Show gratitude to the ones around you and create a loving community full of supporters.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

You may have experienced a few unpleasant truths either about yourself or those around you. Don’t despair! You’ll get there. Take this with a measured dose of humility and start planning. Preparation is the best trick. Gather all the information you can for the next stage. Gather the essential tools, ready the gear, and embark on your next story. Take action now! GO!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You can be a real wanker! Don’t you just love the Brits! They have such colorful language. But, you may want to consider what your making out of the situation you call life. Is this the reality you want? Perhaps you conquered a new challenge or started a new job. Whatever the case, do your best. Put one foot in front of the other and keep marching forward. You’ve got this!

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

The Sun will enter your sign this week, congratulations! You may experience a surge in energy. Grab it with full force and enjoy your weekly foray into madness. How will you handle these new experiences? If you’re prone to acting like Scrooge take a deep breath: Bah humbug! If you’re a little livelier, of the Eeyore variety, try putting on a Santa hat or something.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

What’s your purpose in life? You won’t find it sitting on the couch or at the bottom of a bag of potato chips. It’s out there in the big, wide, world. Maybe it’s inside your own head. You won’t find it in the TV or with an iPhone in your face. Go outside. Take a breath of fresh air. Inhale the scent of New Mexico’s winter breeze and make your mark. You can!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Need a mental health day? Maybe you’re worn a little thin by co-workers. Perhaps customers are driving you up the wall. Take a day out for yourself. If you don’t take care of yourself no one will. Don’t be a martyr. The key to happiness is sharing love with family and friends. You won’t find it with a bunch of dead saints. Cheer up! Christmas is almost over.