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You are here: Opinions Horoscope Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 24

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 24

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On Sept. 24, prepare for the Full Harvest Moon. Traditionally, the Harvest Moon allowed farmers to work by the light of the moon. For us modern people, the Harvest Moon marks the beginning of fall. Madame G recommends you reflect on your past accomplishments and failures. What would you like to improve in the coming year? How can you help others?


Aries (March 21-April 19)

You have a generous heart, open mind and outstanding physical prowess. You’re talented. But you have a tendency to give so much you burn out. Before you implode from working too much, take a moment to appreciate what you’ve accomplished. You’re amazing! You should be proud of what you’ve done. Give yourself a little break from the negative talk. Keep calm and carry on.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The heart is a lonely hunter. That’s the beautiful title to Carson McCullers book. She was 23 when it was published. If you’re afraid life will pass you by or that you haven’t accomplished enough. Stop! You’re doing the best you can. We are all living a journey that we don’t fully understand. We are in this together, but we need to give ourselves a break. Be kind.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

What’s on your mind Gemini? If you’ve been focused on a certain topic or question for some time, allow yourself the time to try out new avenues of thought. You might just find the answer while enjoying a wine and painting event, attending an art opening, watching a movie or talking with friends. You never know what you’ll find until you get out there and try it. Go!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You’re hopeful for the future. And you should be. Your life is good. Continue to be honest and share what you know to be the truth in a thoughtful conscientious way. No one likes a dictator. They may listen to you out of fear or annoyance, but they won’t respect your opinion. They certainly won’t follow you into the jungle or into war. Do you want ‘yes men’ or friends?

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

What’s in your heart? You have good news to share and victories to announce. You must push forward and embrace the day. It’s a wonderful world we live in, but we have to do more than wish for the best. You need a community to rely on. It’s not enough to pursue your dreams alone. You need friends to help you when you’re feeling run down. Do your best along the way.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

You’re doing what you need to for you. Don’t let others dictate what is best — only you know, if your life aligns with your values. Keep in mind that all human beings can change and make better and worse decisions. There is always an option to try a different path. But you must take the road you believe will serve you best throughout your life. Good luck!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct.22)

Your life is an open book except for the parts that aren’t open to anyone. Instead of hiding away the best parts for yourself, consider how it looks to others. If you come across as cold and conceited, people will work for you, but they won’t be loyal. Try opening up to others and let them help you. No man (or woman is an island). Success is accomplished together.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

It is a high-emotion time right now, Scorpio, but that does not have to become negative. Embrace the things that give you the energy to live, allow yourself to become who you need to be. Those who are around you adore you, give them your time as you see fit.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Your heart is an open book with faded and sometimes blank pages. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing, but you may need to focus on those blank pages, if you want to see them filled. The question is: what do you want on them? You must see your vision and set out to complete it. Your friends and family will help, but you must reach out and ask. Help them out, too.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You might think life is a lonely road, and it can be. But that doesn’t mean that is the only story. There are many roads with twists and turns. Though we enter and leave this world alone, we travel throughout this world together and that makes all the difference. Keep an open mind and an open heart. Every chapter has a beginning and an end. It’s exciting. Enjoy!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Where the heart is, that is where your mind is. Your passion is the key. You don’t have to keep looking for the only way forward. You can find the answer in your heart. Look deeply into your mind’s eye and don’t be afraid of the answer. Keep moving forward and do your best. You’ll find the answer if you ask it honestly and keep your word to yourself.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Be honest with yourself, do you really want to change? Maybe you think you want to change, but you really don’t. In order to make a change, you might need to change your environment. In order to make that kind of change, you need to be brave and push forward. The only change you’ll ever get is the one you decide to make and keep the promises you make.