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Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF SEPT. 30 - OCT. 6

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We welcome in a New Moon on Friday, as we head into October. While we bask in the joys of the sign of the scales, consider readjusting your relationships. This is a wonderful time to take stock and reprioritize your life. Madame G recommends you slow down, enjoy the beautiful days of fall, and show love to your family and...

Wowza! Gallup Film Festival closes a standout 2016

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Now that the 2016 Gallup Film Festival has come to a close, we can safely say it boasted a unique schedule of shorts, documentaries, and features in what we hope is becoming a Gallup institution. The event brought all kinds of people downtown – close to 3,000, by some estimates. And the city should pat itself on the back for investing in this venture.

This isn’t to say past editions of the GFF have been lackluster. Each of the last three festivals has offered up a handful of truly memorable and brilliant selections. And there have been some misfires, too.

The directors and stars who attend film festivals hope to create buzz from advanced screenings. The offering of sneak-peaks is...

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF SEPT. 23 - 29

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September 23 is the Last Quarter Moon. According to CafeAstrology.com, this phase “points to some sort of crisis of consciousness.” Perhaps you’re struggling with faith, spirituality, or religion. Maybe your job, career, and relationships are shaping up in a different way than you first imagined. Madame G suggests taking a deep breath, and keeping calm and carrying on.


Aries (March 21-April 19)

Are you homesick? Perhaps business took you out of town, or you moved. Maybe you miss your childhood or what you imagine is the ideal version of youth. Take time for yourself this week. Consider what is pushing those thoughts to the surface and then let go. Enjoy this moment, because...

Remembering 9/11

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It’s hard to believe that 15 years have passed since Islamic terrorists murdered 3,000 people on American soil, shattering the notion that Americans were somehow immune to attacks like those that threatened residents of countries in the Middle East and parts of Europe, Africa, and the Far East on a daily basis.

Indeed, the only constant today is an even more dangerous world, and our national security is more important than ever.

We must never forget the attacks in New York City, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania on Sept. 11, 2001. These attacks are to today’s generation what the attacks on Pearl Harbor were to generations past. The events of 9/11 woke the United States from a...

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF SEPT. 16 - 22

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It’s going to be a busy week, astrologically. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse takes place Sept. 16. According to Café Astrology, this is an emotionally fertile time. You may develop and enrich your current connection or create new ones. On Sept. 21, Mercury goes into retrograde. Madame G recommends you keep your words brief. Stay kind!


Aries (March 21-April 19)

Does anxiety have you in a chokehold? Perhaps it’s just cutting off your airway periodically. This sets the stage for your breakdown and health problems like heart attacks, strokes, or death. Don’t panic! If you can’t slow down during the week — take it off. If you can’t take 15 minutes to meditate, then do it for 30...

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