
Gallup Sun

Monday, Jun 17th

Last update10:02:32 AM GMT

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Our public lands must reflect the diversity of our people

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My father and mother raised my four siblings and me to appreciate the beauty of our environment by hiking, mountain climbing, and visiting parks and other natural sites. At the time I didn’t think much about it but when I reflect back on those outings I realize that there weren’t that many people who looked like us...

Heinrich urges president to halt closure of Oceti Sakowin Camp

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., called on President Obama to work with the Corps of Engineers and the Department of Justice to de-escalate the violence at Camp Oceti Sakowin in North Dakota. In particular, he questioned the decision to close the area to demonstrators of the Dakota Access pipeline on December 5.

November 30, 2016

Dear Mr. President:

I am gravely concerned about the recent escalation of violence in North Dakota against members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and those standing in solidarity with them.  When violent confrontations first occurred earlier this fall, I urged your administration to step in and was thankful that you quickly put a...

‘Standing With Standing Rock’

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A young woman protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline holds a sign reading “We can’t drink oil! #NoDAPL.” Photo Credit: Pax Ahimsa Gethen

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Can you believe that we’ve reached the home stretch of 2016?

Thanksgiving is upon us, Christmas is not that far away, and we’ll spend the next few weeks eating, and buying holiday presents. Soon, a lot of the homes around Gallup will be adorned with Christmas decorations. They call it the most wonderful time of the year, and for good reason. Gallup residents really take it to the limits come Holiday season.

The Indian Capital, and its surrounding areas, is just a good place to be during the holidays. Just about every municipality and Chapter House on the Navajo Nation will put up a tree. We have reason to be thankful all year round.

We are fortunate enough to live in a very...

Madame G guide to the stars WEEK OF NOV. 25

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Welcome Sagittarius! Now is the time of the restless warrior. You may experience periods of profound optimism and pessimism. You’ll loathe confinement and entrapment. Don’t run! On November 29, a New Moon emerges — time for rest and renewal. Level up your energy! Madame G suggests channeling strength from the archer: pull your energy tight, aim, fly, and soar.


Aries (March 21-April 19)

Are you at the dawn of a new experience? Perhaps you’ve fought through the night and are watching the sunrise. Maybe you’re waking refreshed from sleep. Whatever the case, enjoy the moment. Use this momentum for happiness. You’re entitled. You’ll encounter more hurdles, obstacles, and...

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