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Reflection on New Mexico’s Fifty-Second Legislature

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The 2015 Legislative Session started on January 20th at noon and ended at noon on March 31st.   This session marks my 25th session as a member of the House, including regular, special and extraordinary sessions. My standing committees for each of those sessions are the House Appropriations and Finance Committee and the...

Schaller ponders new Gallup sports competition

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The ‘athlon’ competitions feature multiple events rewarding a compilation of diverse achievement. Most of these are strictly measures of athletic ability such as the triathlon, heptathlon and decathlon. Others such as the biathlon and pentathlon have included finesse events like fencing, shooting and equestrian.

The Grants Quadrathlon has achieved national status in over 30 years of existence with hundreds paying their $60 fee to bike, run, cross country ski and snowshoe 43 miles every February with the winner receiving a modest $1,000 prize.

Awards are given for teams, age groups and gender. In fact almost all athletic competitions nowadays are gender exclusive with women’s...


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Dear Mexican: Why do Mexican men have thicker hair than Caucasian men? Because I’ve seen more Mexican men with thicker hair and a lot more of it that Caucasian men. Why? Is it because it runs in the genes? (I am only asking about hair on the head not body hair).


Dear Gabacho: It’s ALWAYS about the genes for Mexicans, whether it’s our love of tortillas and tamales (indigenous ancestors), beer (Germans), or frizzy hair (the negritos in our family tree that no one ever acknowledges even though your brother was born with a Jheri curl that made Lionel Richie’s mane seem as florid as a high and tight). The same influence applies male-pattern baldness. Scientific consensus...


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By Gustavo Arellano

Dear Mexican: Do Mexicans know that if just one of their grandparents was born in Spain, they could immigrate immediately not just to Spain, but also any other country in the European Union? I know this is not an option for a lot of Mexicans, but it certainly seems like a better one for those that have the “Spanish” option. Spain is a First World country with free health care, seven-hour work days and, quite simply, Spanish people seem to share much more in common with Mexicans. Don’t get me wrong: I think that they are a great thing for America, and that anyone who wants to live here should be able to, yet I am also a realist. I only bring this up because...

Welcome to the Gallup Sun debut issue

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Welcome to the new Gallup Sun free weekly newspaper. We hope you enjoy our debut issue. We not only want to keep you informed, but we want you to feel entertained and proud of Gallup and the surrounding community, even with the challenges we face in this growing region.

We thank our debut issue advertisers for taking a leap of faith and advertising with a new publication. Providing clear and crisp ads that customers will take notice of is our #1 priority.

Also, a big thank you to the establishments that are carrying the Gallup Sun. You support both local businesses and a free, local community newspaper.

As publisher/editor of the Gallup Sun, I welcome story ideas and feedback on...

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